Because we spend a lot of money to maintain the system so we have to advertise.
You can upgrade your account to not show ads.
Please follow these steps:
1. Turn off VPN
2. Disable adblock extension

Telegram error code

You must check your telegram was set username
Code 1
Your telegram was existed on system so please try new telegram.
System can not find connect of your telegram's username - please check connect telegram
Telegram's data can not find user's information - please try to connect telegram again.
First, please try to test free telegram bot
Second, you can buy telegram plan or combo to access premium telegram bot
Your video code does not support host telegram - please contact admin to resolve it.
Your video code does not exist - please contact admin to resolve it.
Every plan will have limit number video per day so please try it tomorrow

Terms of service.

We are happy to receive your support by upgrading your account. However, some users use it to damage reputation so we update the terms of service for all members.
By agreeing to pay, you have understood the terms:
- You must check watch video on the system: watch the free videos to can watch video or not.
- The amount paid will not be refunded under any circumstances - Suspend your account immediately when transaction has problem.
- Do not share accounts (including free accounts) with others.